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Academic Search Ultimate Database. Database with full text academic articles by EBSCO.

American Society of Overseas Research (ASOR). Database on the History and the Cultures of the Near East and the Mediterranean World.

American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) Humanities E-Books. Database with Books in Humanities.

Atla Religion Database. Database of four hundred (400) Journals and Magazines on Religion and Theology. Access through the University of Athens/School of Theology Library.

Ancient World Open Bibliographies Database. Database on the various aspects of the Ancient World.

L'Annee Philologique Database. Database of studies of Ancient Greek and Roman civilizations.

Archaeological Sites and Monuments of Greece Database. Database of the Greek Archaeological Sites and Monuments.

Art in Christian Tradition Database. Database on Art and Christian Tradition by Vanderbilt University Divinity Library


BibleServer Database. Database for bible searches by ERF.

Biblical Archaeology Society Online Archive Database. Database on Biblical Archaeology by the Biblical Archaeology Society.

Biblical Art Index Database. Database on Biblical Art, Artists, and Biblical Art history.

BiBIL.Biblical Bibliography of Lausanne Database. Database on Biblical Studies by the Institut Romand des Sciences Bibliques of the Université de Lausanne, Switzerland.

Biblical Studies on the Web Database. Database of Biblical Exegesis.

BiblIndex Database. Database with an index of Biblical Quotations in Early Christian Literature.

BILDI Database. Database on Biblical Studies and Theology by the Department of Biblical Studies and Historical Theology at Universität Innsbruck, Austria.

Brill's Companions to Classical Studies Online Database. Database on Classical studies by Brill Publication House. Access through the University of Athens Library.

Brill Open Books Database. Database of Brill Publication House.

Bryn Mawr Classical Review Database. Database on Classical Studies by Bryn Mawr College, Pennsylvania.


Catholica Collection Database. Database on Roman Catholic Literature and Theology by Falvey Memorial Library of Villanova University in Villanova, Pennsylvania.

Catholic Research Resources Portal Database. Database on Roman Catholic Studies and Theology by the Catholic Research Resources Alliance in Albany, New York.

Christian Periodical Index Database. Database by Association of Christian Librarians.

Claremont Dissertations and DMinistry Projects Database. Database on Theological Studies by the Claremont School of Theology in Claremont, California.

Cooperative Digital Resources Initiative (CDRI) Database. Database of digital resources on Religion and Theology by the Association of Theological Schools (ATS) and the American Theological Library Association (ATLA).


Database of Religious History. Database on Religious Cultural History by the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada.

Diotima Database. Database on Social Aspects of the Ancient Mediterranean World.

DOAB Database. Directory of Open Access Books.

DOAJ Database. Directory of Open Access Journals and Magazines.

DOAR Database. Directory of the Open Access Repositories of the University of Nottingham, United Kingdom.

Duke Papyrus Archive Database. Database of 1400 papyri from Ancient Egypt at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, USA.

Dumbarton Oaks Hagiography Database. Database on various Hagiographical Texts.

Dumbarton Oaks Manuscripts on Microfilm Database. Database on Manuscripts’ Collection of the Dumbarton Oaks Research Library in Washington, D.C.


EBSCO Open Access Books Database.  Database with a collection of Open Access Academic E-Books. Access through the University of Athens/Library and Information Centre.

EBSCO Open Dissertations. Database with open access Doctoral Dissertations by EBSCO.

EBethArké Digital Collection Database. Database on Syriac Heritage and Language by the Beth Mardutho Syriac Institute.

E-Clavis: Christian Apocrypha Database. Database witha comprehensive bibliography of Christian Apocrypha research assembled and maintained by members of the North American Society for the Study of Christian Apocryphal Literature (NASSCAL).”

Elenchus Bibliographicus Database. Database of the International Philosophical Bibliography.

Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception Online Database. Database of the American Library Association/Association of College and Research Libraries.

EThos Database. Database with E-Doctoral Theses by the British Library.


Gale Resources Database. Database of Research and Academic Resources.

Galileo Learning Materials Database. Database with Open Access Learning Materials.

Getty Research Portal Database. Database with Digital Publications on Art by the Getty Center in Los Angeles, California.

Gnomon Bibliographic Database. Database with Bibliographies on Classical studies of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek/Bavarian State Library, Munich in collaboration with the University Libraries of Augsburg, Eichstätt, and Tübingen.

Google Arts and Culture Database. Database devoted to various aspects of Art.

Google Scholar Database. Database with a search engine concentrates on various aspects of academic research.

Greek Fonts Database. Database of Greek Font Society.

Grove Art Online Database. Database on Art and History of Arts. Access through the University of Athens Library.


Harvard Divinity School New Testament and Archaeological Slides Database. Database with digital images from the Archaeological Sites and Museums of Athens, Corinth, Thessaloniki, Philippi, Rome, Ephesus, Sardis, and Hierapolis.

HealLink Database. Database of the Hellenic Academic Libraries Association. Access through the University of Athens Library.


Index of Christian Art Database. Database of Christian Art by the Princeton University Library.

Index of Medieval Art Database. Database with the International Bibliographies on Medieval Art of Princeton University.

Index Theologicus Database. Database of International Bibliographies on Religious Studies and Theology.

Isidore Database. Database on Humanities and Social Sciences.

Index to Jewish Periodicals Database. Database on various Jewish topics, by EBSCO.

Internet Sacred Texts Database. Database of Online Books on Religion.


JSTOR Digital Library Database. Database with a full text of Academic Books and Journals.

JSTOR Arts & Sciences Collections I, II, III, IV, V, VII ΧΙΙ Database. Database with the collection of full text Academic Books and Journals.


Kallipos Database. Database of Open Access Greek and English Academic Textbooks.


Library of Congress Digital Database. Database of the Digital Collections of the Library of Congress, Washington, DC.


MLA International Bibliography Database. Database with full text academic articles by the Modern Language Association (MLA) and EBSCO.

Merlot Database. Database with Online Learning Materials.


Nag Hammadi Bibliography Online Database (NHBO). Database on the Study of Gnosticism and Christianity by the Brill Publication House.

National Archive of PhD Doctoral Dissertations Database. Database of the Greek National Documentation Centre.

New Testament Abstracts Online Database. Database with Abstracts on New Testament Studies in more than five hundred (500) journals and magazines.


Old Testament Abstracts Online Database. Database with Abstracts of Old Testament Studies.

OmnifFile Full Text Database. Database with Publications in Humanities by EBSCO.

OneFile: Religion and Philosophy Database. Database on Religion and Philosophy by Gale International.

Online Books Page Database. Database with open access books by John Mark Ockerbloom of the University of Pennsylvania.

Oxford Biblical Studies Online Database. Database on Biblical Studies by Oxford University Press.

Oxford Bibliographies Database. Database with International Bibliographies on various research subjects of the Oxford University Press.

Open Access Database. Database of Open Access Academic Books.

Open Access Theses and Dissertations Database. Database with the full text of Theses and Doctoral Dissertations.

Open Textbooks Database. Database with Open Access Text Books.

Oriental Institute Database. Database with Digital Collections of the Oriental Institute at the University of Chicago.

Oxford Art Online Database. Database on Art of the Oxford University Press.

Oxford Bibliographies Biblical Studies Database. Database on Biblical Studies of the Oxford University Press.

Oxford Handbooks Database. Database with Online Digital Handbooks.

Oxford Religion Database. Database with Religious Sources.

Oxyrhynchus Online (POxy). Database with the Oxyrhynchus Papyri by the University of Oxford.


Pandektis Database. Database of the digital Thesaurus of the primary sources for Greek History and Culture of the National Hellenic Research Foundation.

Paul and Patristics Database. Database on Pauline Epistles and their reception in the Early Christianity of the four centuries, by the University of Oxford.

Perseus Digital Library Database. Database with the Ancient Greek Texts of Tufts University.

Philosopher’s Index Database. Database with Online Bibliographies in Philosophy.

PhilPapers Database. Database with indexes and bibliographies on Philosophy.

Portal for the Greek Language Database. Database on Ancient, Byzantine, and Modern Greek by the Centre for the Greek Language in Thessaloniki, Greece.

Princeton Papyri Collections Database. Database with Egyptian Greek, Coptic, Arabic Papyri at the Princeton University Library in Princeton, New Jersey, USA.

ProjectMuse Database. Database with Digital Collections in Humanities.

ProjectMuse Open Access Database. Database of Open Access Academic Books and Journals.

Propylaeum Database. Database of the specialized Information Service Classics by the Heidelberg University Library and the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich.

Project Gutenberg. Database of open access e-Books.

Project Homere. Database on Greek Language.

ProQuest Databases. Databases for Academic Research.

ProQuest Religion Database.  Database with full text Academic Books and Journals on Religion and Theology. Access through the University of Athens/Library and Information Centre.

ProQuest Publicly Available Content Database. Database with Open Access Academic content.

ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global Database. Database with a comprehensive collection of Doctoral Dissertations and Master Theses by ProQuest. Access through the University of Athens/Library and Information Centre.

ProQuest One Academic Database. Database of Academic Resources.

ProQuest One Literature Database. Database with the full text of Academic Books and Journals on Philology and Linguistics. Access through the University of Athens/Library and Information Centre.


Rambi Database. Database with Index of Jewish Studies of the National Library of Israel.

Religion and Philosophy Collection Database. Database with Publications in Theology and Philosophy by EBSCO.

Religious and Theological Abstracts Database. Database with Abstracts of Religious and Theological studies.

Research in Ministry (RIM) Database. Open Access Database with Abstracts of the Theses and Doctoral Dissertations on Christian Ministry by the American Theological Library Association.


SBL Review of Biblical Literature Database. Database on Biblical Studies and Books by the Society of Biblical Literature.

Scopus. Database of Abstracts and Citations of Academic Journals by Elsevier. Scopus account registration.

Sources Chrétiennes Online (SCO) Database. Database with translations of Christian texts in Greek and Latin languages by Éditions du Cerf, Paris and Brepols Publishers.

Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum Online Database. Database on Greek Inscriptions and Epigrams of Brill Publication House. Access through the University of Athens / Library and Information Centre.


Thesaurus Linguae Graecae Database. Digital Library of the Greek Language Texts.

Trismegistos Database. Database for the Interdisciplinary Study of the Ancient World.


University of Michigan Papyrology Collection Database. Database with Papyri Collection at the University of Michigan Harlan Hatcher Graduate Library in Ann Arbor, Michigan.


Virtual Religion Index Database. Database on Internet Religious and Theological Studies.

Virtual Theological Library Project Database. Database with open access Theological Resources by the Association of Christian Librarians.


Web of Science Database. Multidisciplinary Platform and Citation Database by Clarivate.


Yale Papyrus Collection Database. Database with Greek, Latin, Demotic, Coptic, and Arabic Papyri at the Yale University Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library in New Haven, Connecticut, USA.