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Accordance Bible Blog. Blog by Accordance Bible Software company.

American Bible Society Blog. Blog of the American Bible Society.

Amsterdam Centre for New Testament Blog. Blog of the Amsterdam Centre for New Testament Studies (ACNTS) at VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Ancient Hebrew Poetry Blog. Weblog of Dr. John F. Hobbins.

Ancient Jewish and Early Christian Mysticism Blog. Blog by Dr Scott Mackie.

Ancient World Online (AWOL) Blog. Blog by the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World at New York University.

Apocryphicity. Blog devoted to the Study of Christian Apocrypha by Dr. Tony Burke, Professor at University of Toronto, Canada.

Augsburg Fortress Press Blog. Blog of the American Publication House Augsburg Fortress Press.


Bible Org Blog. Blog devoted to the nondenominational Bible study.

Bible and Mediterranean Intercultural Life Blog. Blog by the Bible and the Intercultural Life of Chististianity Post-Graduate Program at the Department of Social Theology and the Study of Religion of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.

Bible Gateway Blog. Weblog on the searchable Bible in 200 versions and in 70 languages

Bible Background. Blog of Dr. Craig Keener, Professor Biblical Studies at Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky.

Bible and Beyond Blog. Blogby Dr. Shirley Paulson and Dr. Hal Taussig.

The Bible and Culture. Blog by Dr. Ben Witherington, Amos Professor of New Testament for at Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky and at St. Andrews University in Scotland.

Bible and Ecumene Blog. Biblical blog in Greek language.

Biblical Foundations Blog. Blog by Dr. Andreas Köstenberger, Research Professor of New Testament and Biblical Theology and Director of the Center for Biblical Studies at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kansas City, Missouri, and by Dr. Marny Köstenberger.

Bible Films Blog. Blog devoted to the analysis Bible Films by Matt Page.

Bible Gateway Blog. Blog of the international network of independent biblical bloggers.

Bible Mapper Blog. Blog devoted to the study of the Biblical Maps.

Bible Places Blog. Blog devoted to the study of biblical archaeology, history, and geography.

Biblia Hebraica Blog. Blog by Doug Mangum

Biblical Archaeology Society Blog. Blog of the Biblical Archaeology Society.

Biblical Performance Criticism Blog. Blog devoted to the study of Biblical Orality, Rhetoric, Memory, Delivery, Translation, Drama.

Biblical Review Blog. Blog with reviews of Biblical literature publications.

Biblical Studies Blog. Blog by Dr. Ekaterini G. Tsalampouni, Associate Professor of the New Testament at School of Theology of the Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki, Greece.

Biblical Studies Blog. Blog on free resources for the study of the Bible.

Biblical Studies Online Blog. Blog by Prof. James Crossley, St Mary’s University, London and Dr. Deane Galbraith, University of Otago.

Biblical Studies and Technological Tools Blog. Blog on Bible and technological tools.

The Biblical World Blog. Blog by Dr. John Byron, Professor of New Testament at Ashland Theological Seminary, Ashland, Ohio.

Biblical and Early Christian Studies Reviews Blog. Blog an online open access and peer-reviewed Biblical and Early Christian publications.

Biblical Studies Journals Blog. Blog on Biblical studies in various journals.

Biblische Ausbildung. Blog by Stephen L. Cook, the Catherine N. McBurney Professor of Old Testament Language and Literature at Virginia Theological Seminar.


Celluloid Jesus. Blog on the Christ Film Web Pages.

CenSAMM Blog. Blog by the Centre for the Critical Study of Apocalyptic and Millenarian Movements (CenSAMM).

Changes in Sacred Texts and Traditions Blog. Blog of the Centre of Excellence in ‘Changes in Sacred Texts and Traditions’ (CSTT) at the  Academy of Finland.

A Chorus of Voices: The Reception History of the Parables Blog. Blog by Dr. David B. Gowler at Oxford College of Emory University, Atlanta, GA.

Coptic Scriptorium Blog. Blog on digital research in Coptic Language and Literature.

Corinthian Matters Blog. Blog on Ancient Corinth by Dr. David Pettegrew, Professor of History and Archaeology at Messiah University in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

Current Epigraphy Blog. Blog on news and events in Greek and Latin epigraphy.


Digital Papyrology Blog. Blog on digital applications, methodology and resources in papyrology.


Early Christian Archives Blog. Blog of Dr. Kyle Hughes.

Early History of the Codex  Blog.  Blog  of the Early History of the Codex: A New Methodology and Ethics for Manuscript Studies (EthiCodex) research project at the MF Norwegian School of Theology, Religion, and Society in Oslo, Norway.

Eerdmans Publishers Blog. Blog of Eeerdmans Publication House.

E-Homo Religiosus. Petros Vassileiadis Blog. Blog by Dr. Petros Vassileiadis, Professor Emeritus of New Testament at School of Theology of the Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki, Greece.

Bart Ehrman Blog. Blog by Bart D. Ehrman, the James A. Gray Distinguished Professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC.

Ἐνθύμησις Blog. Blog by Dr. Jacob Cerone.

Evangelical Textual Criticism.Blog devoted to the study of the original Biblical languages, manuscripts, and textual criticism history.

Euaggelion Blog. Blog by Dr. Michael Bird, Lecturer in Theology at Ridley College in Melbourne, Australia and Visiting Research Professor at Houston Baptist University,

Exegetical Tools Blog. Blog on Biblical exegetical tools.


Faces and Voices Blog. Blog by Dr. Roberta Mazza, Associate Professor of Papyrology at the Department of Cultural Heritage Studies of the University of Bologna, Italy.

FatherJustinsBlog. Notes From Sinai. Blog by the V. Rev. Fr. Justin, Librarian of the St. Catherine’s Monastery at Sina Peninsula, Egypt.

The Forbidden Gospels Blog. Blog by Dr. April Deconick, the Isla Carroll and Percy E. Turner Professor of Biblical Studies at Rice University.


Historical Jesus Research Blog. Blog devoted to the Historical Jesus research.

Holy Land Studies Blog. Blog on Holy Land studies.

HumaRec Blog. Blog of the HumaReC, a Digital Humanities+Project at the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, in Lausanne, Switzerland.

Hurtado Larry Blog. Blog by the late Dr. Larry Hurtado, Professor Emeritus of the New Testament language, literature and theology at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland.

Hypotheses: Claire Clivaz Blog. Blog on Digital Humanities+, by Dr. Claire Clivaz, Head of the Digital Humanities Plus (DH+) at SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, Lausanne, Switzerland.


Identity Formation in the New Testament Blog. Blog by J. Brian Tucker  Plymouth, MI, United States, Associate Professor of New Testament at Moody Theological Seminary-Michigan.

Institute for New Testament Textual Research (INTF) Blog.Blog of the Institute for New Testament Textual Research (INTF).

Israel Biblical Studies Blog. Blog of the Israel Institute of Biblical Studies.

Ἱστολόγιο Κοπτικῶν Σπουδῶν. Blog by Dr. Nick Kouremenos.


Jerusalem Blog. Blog on the City of Jerusalem, Israel.

Jesus Creed Blog. Blog By Dr. Scot McKnight, Julius R. Mantey Professor of New Testament at Northern Seminary, Lisle, Illinois.

The Jesus Memoirs Blog. Blog devoted to the History and Reception of the New Testament.


Koine Greek Language Blog. Blog on the studies of the Greek language and linguistics.


The LAB: The Logos Academic Blog. Blog of the Logos Bible software.

Library for Sinaitic Studies Blog. Blog on Sinaitic Studies by Panayotis Fragkakos.

LXX Studies Blog. Blog by Dr. John Meade, Associate Professor of Old Testament at Phoenix Seminary, Scottsdale, Arizona.


New English Translation of the Bible Blog. Blog by the Thomas Nelson Bibles at Nashville, Tennessee.

New Testament (NT) Blog. Blog by Dr. Mark Goodacre, Professor of New Testament and Christian Origins at the Religious Studies Department of Duke University, North Carolina.

N. T. Wright Blog. Blog by Dr. N. T. Write, Research Professor Emeritus of New Testament and Early Christianity at St Mary’s College in the University of St Andrews and Senior Research Fellow at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford.

New Testament Geeks. Blog by Dr. Greg Carey, Professor of New Testament at Lancaster Theological Seminary.

New Testament Greek et al. Blog by Dr. Nathaniel Erickson.

New Testament History Blog. Blog by Bill Heroman.

New Testament Interpretation Blog. Blog by Dr. David Stark, Assistant Professor and Director of Faulkner University Online.

New Testament Perspectives Blog. Blog by Matthew D. Montonini.

New Testament Resources Blog. Blog by Dr. Wayne Slusser.

New Testament Scholarship Worldwide Blog. Blog by Dr. Johnson Thomaskutty, Associate Professor of New Testament studies at Union Biblical Seminary, Pune, India.

New Testament Studies Blog. Blog by Dr. Steve Walton, Associate Research Fellow at Trinity, College, Bristol, England.

North American Association for the Study of Christian Apocrypha Blog. Blog of North American Association for the Study of Christian Apocrypha.


OTTC: A Blog for Old Testament Textual Criticism. Blog by Dr. Drew Longacre.


PaleoJudaica Blog. Blog by Dr. James R. Davila, Professor of Early Jewish Studies at the Divinity School of the University of St. Andrews in Scotland.

Apostle Paul and His Co-Workers Blog. Blog by Richard Fellows.

Paul and Scripture Blog. Blog by a Seminar of the Society of Biblical Literature.

Philip Payne Blog. Blog by Dr. Philip Barton Payne.

Philonica et Neotestamentica Blog. Blog by Dr. Torrey Seland, Professor Emeritus at the School of Mission and Theology in Stavanger, Norway.

Polumeros kai Polutropos. Resource Blog by Dr. Brian Small.

Psephizo. Scholarship, Serving, Ministry Blog. Blog by Dr. Ian Paul, Adjunct Professor at Fuller Theological Seminary.


Reading the Book of Acts of the Apostles Blog. Blog by Dr. Phillip J. Long.

Religions of the Ancient Mediterranean Blog. Blog by Dr. Professor Philip Harland, Professor at York University in Toronto, Canada.

Review of Biblical Literature Blog. Blog on Review of Biblical Literature of the Society of Biblical Literature.


Septuaginta Blog. Blog by William Ross, Assistant Professor of Old Testament at Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Society of Biblical Literature Handbook of Style Blog. Blog by the Society of Biblical Literature.

Klaas Spronk’s Weblog. Blog by Dr. Klaas Sprong.


Theologika Dromena Blog. Blog by Dr. Moschos Grouzioudis, Associate Professor at School of Theology of the Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki, Greece.

The Text of the Gospels Blog. Blog by James Snapp.

The Textual Mechanic Blog. Blog by Dr. Timothy N. Mitchell.

The Two Cities Blog. Blog on Biblical Studies, Theology and Culture, by Dr. Amber Bowen, Dr. Josh Carroll, Dr. John Anthony Dunne, Dr. Grace Emmett, Jennifer Guo, Brandon Hurlbert, Stephanie Kate Judd, Dr. Grace Sangalang Ng, Dr. Chris Porter, Rev. Daniel Parham, Dr. Kris Song, and Dr. Logan Williams.


Urbs and Polis Blog. Blog on Early Christianity in Greco-Roman context by Mark Lamas, Lecturer in Religious Studies at California State University in Bakersfield, California, USA.


Variant Readings Blog. Blog by Brent Nongbri, Professor of History of Religions at MF Norwegian School of Theology, Religion, and Society in Oslo.

Markus Vinzent's Blog. Blog by Dr. Markus Vinzent, Professor in the Department of Theology & Religious Studies at King's College London  and fellow of the Max Weber Center for Advanced Social and Cultural Studies, Erfurt, Germany.


Daniel Wallace Blog. Blog by Dr. Daniel Wallace Executive Director of Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts and Senior Research Professor of NT Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary, Texas.

Women Biblical Scholars Blog. Blog by Women Biblical Scholars (WBS).


Zwinglius Redivivus Blog. Blog by Dr. Jim West (ThD) Lecturer in Church History and Biblical Studies at Ming Hua Theological College/Charles Sturt University.

Zondervan Academic Blog. Blog of Zondervan Publication House.

Zürich New Testament Blog. Blog of the Peer-Mentoring Group “Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft,” at University of Zürich, Switzerland.




Accordance Bible Software Blog. Blog of the Accordance Biblical Software.


Bible Project Blog. Blog of the Bible Project Software.

BibleWorks Forums. Blog of the Bible Works Biblical Software.


Logos Bible Software Blog. Blog of the Logos Biblical Software.


StepBible Blog. Blog of the StepBible Software.




Classics at the Intersections Blog. Blog on Ancient Greek and Roman Culture by Dr. Rebecca Futo Kennedy.


Kiwi Hellenist Blog. Blog on Ancient World by Dr. Peter Gainsford.


Society for Classical Studies Blog. Blog on Classical Studies by the American Philological Association.